NEW DIMENSIONS: VR from Kenya, Ghana and Senegal
MUICA presents for the first time in Colombia a virtual reality exhibition of African filmmakers with the New Dimensions project, coordinated by the South African collective Electric South.
The exhibition was presented at the Berlin Film Festival – Berlinale – and in numerous international platforms.
The selection of short films, made by multidisciplinary artists from Kenya, Senegal and Ghana, explores the possibilities, language and narrative tools of this technology.
Through fantasy, dreams and science fiction, the exhibition poses imagined urban realities to address the complex and diverse landscape of contemporary Africa.
In collaboration with Electric South and the Goethe Institute.
This collaboration between Otro Sur and Electric South was awarded the BASA Business and Arts South Africa Award 2020.
With the support of the Goethe Institute in Bogota and Luanda and the Spanish Cooperation Training Center in Cartagena de Indias.