ANGOLA CINEMAS: A fiction of freedom
In 2021 the photographic exhibition ANGOLA CINEMAS: A fiction of freedom returns to the MUICA programme. After being exhibited in Espacio Odeon in Bogotá, the collection travels this time to Cartagena, where it will be exhibited at the Spanish Cooperation Training Center for two months.
The collection is a nostalgic and surprising journey through time, through spaces that were once centres for entertainment in colonial Angola. Angolans Miguel Hurst and Walter Fernandes photograph these spaces built by the Portuguese during the years they occupied the country. These cinemas – in which art-deco meets experimental architecture in the middle of the African tropics – are now abandoned or forgotten, and invite us to reflect on the past and future of the cultural legacy in a society historically marked by a brutal conflict.
With the support of the Goethe Institute of Bogotá and Luanda and the Spanish Cooperation in Cartagena de Indias.